Source code for pytmx.pytmx

Copyright (C) 2012-2023, Leif Theden <>

This file is part of pytmx.

pytmx is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.

pytmx is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with pytmx.  If not, see <>.

from __future__ import annotations

import gzip
import logging
import os
import struct
import zlib
from base64 import b64decode
from collections import defaultdict, namedtuple
from itertools import chain, product
from math import cos, radians, sin
from operator import attrgetter
from typing import List, Tuple, Optional, Sequence, Union, Dict, Iterable
from xml.etree import ElementTree
import json
from copy import deepcopy

# for type hinting
    import pygame
except ImportError:
    pygame = None

__all__ = (

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# internal flags

# Tiled gid flags
GID_TRANS_ROT = 1 << 29

# error message format strings go here
duplicate_name_fmt = (
    'Cannot set user {} property on {} "{}"; Tiled property already exists.'

flag_names = ("flipped_horizontally", "flipped_vertically", "flipped_diagonally")

AnimationFrame = namedtuple("AnimationFrame", ["gid", "duration"])
Point = namedtuple("Point", ["x", "y"])
TileFlags = namedtuple("TileFlags", flag_names)
empty_flags = TileFlags(False, False, False)
ColorLike = Union[Tuple[int, int, int, int], Tuple[int, int, int], int, str]
MapPoint = Tuple[int, int, int]
TiledLayer = Union[
    "TiledTileLayer", "TiledImageLayer", "TiledGroupLayer", "TiledObjectGroup"

# need a more graceful way to handle annotations for optional dependencies
if pygame:
    PointLike = Union[Tuple[int, int], pygame.Vector2, Point]
    PointLike = Union[Tuple[int, int], Point]

def default_image_loader(filename: str, flags, **kwargs):
    """This default image loader just returns filename, rect, and any flags.
    Suitable for loading a map without the images.

        filename (str): The file's name.
        flags (???): ???
        **kwargs: Additional kwargs.

        Tuple[str, ???, ???]: A tuple of the file name, rect, and flags.


    def load(rect=None, flags=None):
        return filename, rect, flags

    return load

def decode_gid(raw_gid: int) -> Tuple[int, TileFlags]:
    """Decode a GID from TMX data.

        raw_gid (int): GID, as reported by Tiled.

        Tuple[int, TileFlags]: Tuple of the GID after rotation flags, and TileFlags object

    if raw_gid < GID_TRANS_ROT:
        return raw_gid, empty_flags
    return (
        raw_gid & ~GID_MASK,
        # TODO: cache all combinations of flags
            raw_gid & GID_TRANS_FLIPX == GID_TRANS_FLIPX,
            raw_gid & GID_TRANS_FLIPY == GID_TRANS_FLIPY,
            raw_gid & GID_TRANS_ROT == GID_TRANS_ROT,

def reshape_data(
    gids: List[int],
    width: int,
) -> List[List[int]]:
    """Change 1D list to 2d list

        gids (List[int]): List of gid ints.
        width (int): Width of each row.

        List[List[int]]: 2D nested list object.

    return [gids[i : i + width] for i in range(0, len(gids), width)]

def unpack_gids(
    text: str,
    encoding: Optional[str] = None,
    compression: Optional[str] = None,
) -> List[int]:
    """Return all gids from encoded/compressed layer data

        text (str): Layer data in text format.
        encoding (Optional[str]): Encoding used.
        compression (Optional[str]): Compression used.

        List[int]: List of all the GIDs in the layer.

    if encoding == "base64":
        data = b64decode(text)
        if compression == "gzip":
            data = gzip.decompress(data)
        elif compression == "zlib":
            data = zlib.decompress(data)
        elif compression:
            raise ValueError(f"layer compression {compression} is not supported.")
        fmt = "<%dL" % (len(data) // 4)
        return list(struct.unpack(fmt, data))
    elif encoding == "csv":
        return [int(i) for i in text.split(",")]
    elif encoding:
        raise ValueError(f"layer encoding {encoding} is not supported.")

[docs]def convert_to_bool(value: str) -> bool: """Convert a few common variations of "true" and "false" to boolean Args: value (str): String to test. Raises: ValueError: If `value` cannot be converted to a boolean. Returns: bool: The converted boolean. """ value = str(value).strip() if value: value = value.lower()[0] if value in ("1", "y", "t"): return True if value in ("-", "0", "n", "f"): return False else: return False raise ValueError('cannot parse "{}" as bool'.format(value))
[docs]def resolve_to_class(value: str, custom_types: dict) -> TiledClassType: """Converts tiled custom types to a python class. Args: value (str): name of the class. custom_types (dict): A dictionary with the custom types created by users. Raises: ValueError: if `value` cannot be converted to a class. Returns: TiledClassType: The converted python class type. """ return deepcopy(custom_types[value])
def rotate( points: Sequence[Point], origin: Point, angle: Union[int, float], ) -> List[Point]: """Rotate a sequence of points around an axis. Args: points (Sequence[Point]): sequence of points. origin (Point): point where points are rotated around. angle (Union[int, float]): angle in degrees. Returns: List[Point]: List of rotated points. """ sin_t = sin(radians(angle)) cos_t = cos(radians(angle)) new_points = list() for point in points: p = ( origin.x + (cos_t * (point.x - origin.x) - sin_t * (point.y - origin.y)), origin.y + (sin_t * (point.x - origin.x) + cos_t * (point.y - origin.y)), ) new_points.append(p) return new_points # used to change the unicode string returned from xml to # proper python variable types. types = defaultdict(lambda: str) types.update( { "backgroundcolor": str, "bold": convert_to_bool, "color": str, "columns": int, "compression": str, "draworder": str, "duration": int, "encoding": str, "firstgid": int, "fontfamily": str, "format": str, "gid": int, "halign": str, "height": float, "hexsidelength": float, "id": int, "italic": convert_to_bool, "kerning": convert_to_bool, "margin": int, "name": str, "nextobjectid": int, "offsetx": int, "offsety": int, "opacity": float, "orientation": str, "pixelsize": float, "points": str, "probability": float, "renderorder": str, "rotation": float, "source": str, "spacing": int, "staggeraxis": str, "staggerindex": str, "strikeout": convert_to_bool, "terrain": str, "tile": int, "tilecount": int, "tiledversion": str, "tileheight": int, "tileid": int, "tilewidth": int, "trans": str, "type": str, "underline": convert_to_bool, "valign": str, "value": str, "version": str, "visible": convert_to_bool, "width": float, "wrap": convert_to_bool, "x": float, "y": float, } ) # casting for properties type prop_type = { "bool": convert_to_bool, "color": str, "file": str, "float": float, "int": int, "object": int, "string": str, "class": resolve_to_class, "enum": str, }
[docs]def parse_properties(node: ElementTree.Element, customs: dict = None) -> Dict: """Parse a Tiled xml node and return a dict. Args: node (ElementTree.Element): Etree element to inspect. Returns: Dict: Dictionary of the properties, as set in the Tiled editor. """ d = dict() for child in node.findall("properties"): for subnode in child.findall("property"): cls = None try: if "type" in subnode.keys(): cls = prop_type[subnode.get("type")] except AttributeError: "Type {} Not a built-in type. Defaulting to string-cast.".format( subnode.get("type") ) ) if "class" == subnode.get("type"): new = resolve_to_class(subnode.get("propertytype"), customs) properties = parse_properties(subnode, customs) for key in properties.keys(): setattr(new, key, properties[key]) d[subnode.get("name")] = new else: d[subnode.get("name")] = subnode.get("value") or subnode.text if cls is not None: d[subnode.get("name")] = cls(subnode.get("value")) return d
[docs]class TiledElement: """Base class for all pytmx types.""" allow_duplicate_names = False def __init__(self): = dict()
[docs] @classmethod def from_xml_string(cls, xml_string: str) -> TiledElement: """Return a TiledElement object from a xml string. Args: xml_string (str): String containing xml data. Returns: TiledElement: The TiledElement from the xml string. """ return cls().parse_xml(ElementTree.fromstring(xml_string))
def _cast_and_set_attributes_from_node_items(self, items) -> None: for key, value in items: casted_value = types[key](value) setattr(self, key, casted_value) def _contains_invalid_property_name(self, items) -> bool: if self.allow_duplicate_names: return False for k, v in items: # i'm not sure why, but this hasattr causes problems on python 2.7 with unicode try: # this will be called in py 3+ _hasattr = hasattr(self, k) except UnicodeError: # this will be called in py 2.7 _hasattr = hasattr(self, k.encode("utf-8")) if _hasattr: msg = duplicate_name_fmt.format(k, self.__class__.__name__, logger.error(msg) return True return False @staticmethod def _log_property_error_message() -> None: msg = "Some name are reserved for {0} objects and cannot be used." logger.error(msg) def _set_properties(self, node: ElementTree.Element, customs=None) -> None: """Set properties from xml data Reads the xml attributes and Tiled "properties" from an XML node and fills in the values into the object's dictionary. Names will be checked to make sure that they do not conflict with reserved names. """ self._cast_and_set_attributes_from_node_items(node.items()) properties = parse_properties(node, customs) if not self.allow_duplicate_names and self._contains_invalid_property_name( properties.items() ): self._log_property_error_message() raise ValueError( "Reserved names and duplicate names are not allowed. Please rename your property inside the .tmx file" ) = properties def __getattr__(self, item): try: return[item] except KeyError: if"name", None): raise AttributeError( "Element '{0}' has no property {1}".format(, item) ) else: raise AttributeError("Element has no property {0}".format(item)) def __repr__(self): if hasattr(self, "id"): return '<{}[{}]: "{}">'.format(self.__class__.__name__,, else: return '<{}: "{}">'.format(self.__class__.__name__,
[docs]class TiledClassType: """Contains custom Tiled types.""" def __init__(self, name: str, members: List[dict]) -> None: """Creates the TiledClassType. Args: name (str): The name of the class type. members (List[dict]): The members of the class type. """ = name for member in members: setattr(self, member["name"], member["value"])
[docs]class TiledMap(TiledElement): """Contains the layers, objects, and images from a Tiled .tmx map.""" def __init__( self, filename: Optional[str] = None, custom_property_filename: Optional[List[str]] = None, image_loader=default_image_loader, **kwargs, ) -> None: """Load new Tiled map from a .tmx file. Args: filename (Optional[str]): Filename of tiled map to load. image_loader (Optional[List[str]]): Function that will load images (see below). optional_gids (???): Load specific tile image GID, even if never used. invert_y (bool): Invert the y axis. load_all_tiles (bool): Load all tile images, even if never used. allow_duplicate_names (bool): Allow duplicates in objects' metadata. """ TiledElement.__init__(self) self.filename = filename self.custom_property_filename = custom_property_filename self.image_loader = image_loader # optional keyword arguments checked here self.optional_gids = kwargs.get("optional_gids", set()) self.load_all_tiles = kwargs.get("load_all", True) self.invert_y = kwargs.get("invert_y", True) # allow duplicate names to be parsed and loaded TiledElement.allow_duplicate_names = kwargs.get("allow_duplicate_names", False) self.layers = list() # all layers in proper order self.tilesets = list() # TiledTileset objects self.tile_properties = dict() # tiles that have properties self.layernames = dict() self.objects_by_id = dict() self.objects_by_name = dict() # only used tiles are actually loaded, so there will be a difference # between the GIDs in the Tiled map data (tmx) and the data in this # object and the layers. This dictionary keeps track of that. self.gidmap = defaultdict(list) self.imagemap = dict() # mapping of gid and trans flags to real gids self.tiledgidmap = dict() # mapping of tiledgid to pytmx gid self.maxgid = 1 # should be filled in by a loader function self.images = list() # defaults from the TMX specification self.version = "0.0" self.tiledversion = "" self.orientation = "orthogonal" self.renderorder = "right-down" self.width = 0 # width of map in tiles self.height = 0 # height of map in tiles self.tilewidth = 0 # width of a tile in pixels self.tileheight = 0 # height of a tile in pixels self.hexsidelength = 0 self.staggeraxis = None self.staggerindex = None self.background_color = None self.nextobjectid = 0 self.custom_types = dict() # initialize the gid mapping self.imagemap[(0, 0)] = 0 if custom_property_filename: self.parse_json(json.load(open(custom_property_filename))) if filename: self.parse_xml(ElementTree.parse(self.filename).getroot()) def __repr__(self): return '<{0}: "{1}">'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.filename) # iterate over layers and objects in map def __iter__(self): return chain(self.layers, self.objects) def _set_properties(self, node: ElementTree.Element) -> None: TiledElement._set_properties(self, node) # TODO: make class/layer-specific type casting # layer height and width must be int, but TiledElement.set_properties() # make a float by default, so recast as int here self.height = int(self.height) self.width = int(self.width)
[docs] def parse_json(self, data: dict) -> None: """Parse custom data types from a JSON object Args: data (dict): Dictionary from JSON object to parse """ for custom_type in data: if custom_type["type"] == "class": new = TiledClassType(custom_type["name"], custom_type["members"]) self.custom_types[custom_type["name"]] = new
[docs] def parse_xml(self, node: ElementTree.Element) -> None: """Parse a map from ElementTree xml node. Args: node (ElementTree.Element): ElementTree xml node to parse. """ self._set_properties(node) self.background_color = node.get("backgroundcolor", self.background_color) # *** do not change this load order! *** # # *** gid mapping errors will occur if changed *** # for subnode in node.findall(".//group"): self.add_layer(TiledGroupLayer(self, subnode)) for subnode in node.findall(".//layer"): self.add_layer(TiledTileLayer(self, subnode)) for subnode in node.findall(".//imagelayer"): self.add_layer(TiledImageLayer(self, subnode)) # this will only find objectgroup layers, not including tile colliders for subnode in node.findall(".//objectgroup"): objectgroup = TiledObjectGroup(self, subnode, self.custom_types) self.add_layer(objectgroup) for obj in objectgroup: self.objects_by_id[] = obj self.objects_by_name[] = obj for subnode in node.findall(".//tileset"): self.add_tileset(TiledTileset(self, subnode)) # "tile objects", objects with a GID, require their attributes to be # set after the tileset is loaded, so this step must be performed last # also, this step is performed for objects to load their tiles. # tiled stores the origin of GID objects by the lower right corner # this is different for all other types, so i just adjust it here # so all types loaded with pytmx are uniform. # iterate through tile objects and handle the image for o in [o for o in self.objects if o.gid]: # gids might also have properties assigned to them # in that case, assign the gid properties to the object as well p = self.get_tile_properties_by_gid(o.gid) if p: for key in p:, p[key]) if self.invert_y: o.y -= o.height self.reload_images() return self
[docs] def reload_images(self) -> None: """Load or reload the map images from disk. This method will use the image loader passed in the constructor to do the loading or will use a generic default, in which case no images will be loaded. """ self.images = [None] * self.maxgid # iterate through tilesets to get source images for ts in self.tilesets: # skip tilesets without a source if ts.source is None: continue path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.filename), ts.source) colorkey = getattr(ts, "trans", None) loader = self.image_loader(path, colorkey, tileset=ts) p = product( range( ts.margin, ts.height + ts.margin - ts.tileheight + 1, ts.tileheight + ts.spacing, ), range( ts.margin, ts.width + ts.margin - ts.tilewidth + 1, ts.tilewidth + ts.spacing, ), ) # iterate through the tiles for real_gid, (y, x) in enumerate(p, ts.firstgid): rect = (x, y, ts.tilewidth, ts.tileheight) gids = self.map_gid(real_gid) # gids is None if the tile is never used # but give another chance to load the gid anyway if gids is None: if self.load_all_tiles or real_gid in self.optional_gids: # TODO: handle flags? - might never be an issue, though gids = [self.register_gid(real_gid, flags=0)] if gids: # flags might rotate/flip the image, so let the loader # handle that here for gid, flags in gids: self.images[gid] = loader(rect, flags) # else: # # not used in layer data give another chance to load the tile anyway # if self.load_all_tiles or real_gid in self.optional_gids: # # TODO: handle flags? - might never be an issue, though # self.register_gid(real_gid, flags=0) # load image layer images for layer in (i for i in self.layers if isinstance(i, TiledImageLayer)): source = getattr(layer, "source", None) if source: colorkey = getattr(layer, "trans", None) real_gid = len(self.images) gid = self.register_gid(real_gid) layer.gid = gid path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.filename), source) loader = self.image_loader(path, colorkey) image = loader() self.images.append(image) # load images in tiles. # instead of making a new gid, replace the reference to the tile that # was loaded from the tileset for real_gid, props in self.tile_properties.items(): source = props.get("source", None) if source: colorkey = props.get("trans", None) path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.filename), source) loader = self.image_loader(path, colorkey) image = loader() self.images[real_gid] = image
[docs] def get_tile_image(self, x: int, y: int, layer: int): """Return the tile image for this location. Args: x (int): The x coordinate. y (int): The y coordinate. layer (int): The layer's number. Returns: ???: the image object type will depend on the loader (ie. pygame surface). Raises: TypeError: if coordinates are not integers. ValueError: if the coordinates are out of bounds, or GID not found. """ if not (x >= 0 and y >= 0): raise ValueError( "Tile coordinates must be non-negative, were ({0}, {1})".format(x, y) ) try: layer = self.layers[layer] except IndexError: raise ValueError("Layer not found") assert isinstance(layer, TiledTileLayer) try: gid =[y][x] except (IndexError, ValueError): raise ValueError("GID not found") except TypeError: msg = "Tiles must be specified in integers." logger.debug(msg) raise TypeError(msg) else: return self.get_tile_image_by_gid(gid)
[docs] def get_tile_image_by_gid(self, gid: int): """Return the tile image for this location. Args: gid (int): GID of image. Returns: ???: The image object type will depend on the loader (ie. pygame.Surface). Raises: TypeError: if `gid` is not an integer. ValueError: if there is no image for this GID. """ try: assert int(gid) >= 0 return self.images[gid] except TypeError: msg = "GIDs must be expressed as a number. Got: {0}" logger.debug(msg.format(gid)) raise TypeError(msg.format(gid)) except (AssertionError, IndexError): msg = "Coords: ({0},{1}) in layer {2} has invalid GID: {3}" logger.debug(msg.format(gid)) raise ValueError(msg.format(gid))
[docs] def get_tile_gid(self, x: int, y: int, layer: int) -> int: """Return the tile image GID for this location. Args: x (int): The x coordinate. y (int): The y coordinate. layer (int): The layer's number. Returns: ???: The image object type will depend on the loader (ie. pygame.Surface). Raises: ValueError: If coordinates are out of bounds. """ if not (x >= 0 and y >= 0 and layer >= 0): raise ValueError( "Tile coordinates and layers must be non-negative, were ({0}, {1}), layer={2}".format( x, y, layer ) ) try: return self.layers[int(layer)].data[int(y)][int(x)] except (IndexError, ValueError): msg = "Coords: ({0},{1}) in layer {2} is invalid" logger.debug(msg.format(x, y, layer)) raise ValueError(msg.format(x, y, layer))
[docs] def get_tile_properties(self, x: int, y: int, layer: int) -> Optional[Dict]: """Return the tile image GID for this location. Args: x (int): The x coordinate. y (int): The y coordinate. layer (int): The layer number. Returns: Optional[dict]: Dictionary of the properties for tile in this location or None. Raises: ValueError: If coordinates are out of bounds """ if not (x >= 0 and y >= 0 and layer >= 0): raise ValueError( "Tile coordinates and layers must be non-negative, were ({0}, {1}), layer={2}".format( x, y, layer ) ) try: gid = self.layers[int(layer)].data[int(y)][int(x)] except (IndexError, ValueError): msg = "Coords: ({0},{1}) in layer {2} is invalid." logger.debug(msg.format(x, y, layer)) raise Exception(msg.format(x, y, layer)) else: try: return self.tile_properties[gid] except (IndexError, ValueError): msg = "Coords: ({0},{1}) in layer {2} has invalid GID: {3}" logger.debug(msg.format(x, y, layer, gid)) raise Exception(msg.format(x, y, layer, gid)) except KeyError: return None
[docs] def get_tile_locations_by_gid(self, gid: int) -> Iterable[MapPoint]: """Search map for tile locations by the GID. Note: Not a fast operation. Cache results if used often. Args: gid (int): GID to be searched for. Returns: Iterable[MapPoint]: (int, int, int) tuples, where the layer is index of the visible tile layers. """ for l in self.visible_tile_layers: for x, y, _gid in [i for i in self.layers[l].iter_data() if i[2] == gid]: yield x, y, l
[docs] def get_tile_properties_by_gid(self, gid: int) -> Optional[Dict]: """Get the tile properties of a tile GID. Args: gid (int): GID. Returns: Optional[dict]: Dictionary of properties for GID, or None. """ try: return self.tile_properties[gid] except KeyError: return None
[docs] def set_tile_properties(self, gid: int, properties: dict) -> None: """Set the tile properties of a tile GID. Args: gid (int): GID. properties (dict): Python dictionary of properties for GID. """ self.tile_properties[gid] = properties
[docs] def get_tile_properties_by_layer(self, layer: int): """Get the tile properties of each GID in layer. Args: layer (int): The layer number. Returns: ???: ??? """ try: assert int(layer) >= 0 layer = int(layer) except (TypeError, AssertionError): msg = "Layer must be a positive integer. Got {0} instead." logger.debug(msg.format(type(layer))) raise ValueError p = product(range(self.width), range(self.height)) layergids = set(self.layers[layer].data[y][x] for x, y in p) for gid in layergids: try: yield gid, self.tile_properties[gid] except KeyError: continue
[docs] def add_layer( self, layer: TiledLayer, ) -> None: """Add a layer to the map. Args: layer (TiledLayer): The layer. """ assert isinstance( layer, (TiledGroupLayer, TiledTileLayer, TiledImageLayer, TiledObjectGroup) ) self.layers.append(layer) self.layernames[] = layer
[docs] def add_tileset(self, tileset: TiledTileset) -> None: """Add a tileset to the map.""" assert isinstance(tileset, TiledTileset) self.tilesets.append(tileset)
[docs] def get_layer_by_name(self, name: str) -> TiledLayer: """Return a layer by name. Args: name (str): The layer's name. Case-sensitive! Returns: TiledLayer: The layer. Raises: ValueError: if layer by name does not exist """ try: return self.layernames[name] except KeyError: msg = 'Layer "{0}" not found.' logger.debug(msg.format(name)) raise ValueError(msg.format(name))
[docs] def get_object_by_id(self, obj_id: int) -> TiledObject: """Find an object by the object id. Args: obj_id (int): ID of the object, from Tiled. Returns: TiledObject: The found object. """ return self.objects_by_id[obj_id]
[docs] def get_object_by_name(self, name: str) -> TiledObject: """Find an object by name, case-sensitive. Args: name (str): The object's name. Returns: TiledObject: The found object. """ return self.objects_by_name[name]
[docs] def get_tileset_from_gid(self, gid: int) -> TiledTileset: """Return tileset that owns the gid. Note: this is a slow operation, so if you are expecting to do this often, it would be worthwhile to cache the results of this. Args: gid (int): GID of tile image. Returns: TiledTileset: The tileset that owns the GID. Raises: ValueError: if the tileset for gid is not found """ try: tiled_gid = self.tiledgidmap[gid] except KeyError: raise ValueError("Tile GID not found") for tileset in sorted(self.tilesets, key=attrgetter("firstgid"), reverse=True): if tiled_gid >= tileset.firstgid: return tileset raise ValueError("Tileset not found")
[docs] def get_tile_colliders(self) -> Iterable[Tuple[int, List[Dict]]]: """Return iterator of (gid, dict) pairs of tiles with colliders. Returns: Iterable[Tuple[int, List[Dict]]]: The tile colliders. """ for gid, props in self.tile_properties.items(): colliders = props.get("colliders") if colliders: yield gid, colliders
[docs] def pixels_to_tile_pos(self, position: Tuple[int, int]) -> Tuple[int, int]: return int(position[0] / self.tilewidth), int(position[1] / self.tileheight)
@property def objectgroups(self) -> Iterable[TiledObjectGroup]: """Returns iterator of all object groups. Returns: Iterable[TiledObjectGroup]: ???. """ return (layer for layer in self.layers if isinstance(layer, TiledObjectGroup)) @property def objects(self) -> Iterable[TiledObject]: """Returns iterator of all the objects associated with the map. Returns: Iterable[TiledObject]: All objects associated with the map. """ return chain(*self.objectgroups) @property def visible_layers(self): """Returns iterator of Layer objects that are set "visible". Returns: ???: Iterator of Layer objects that are set "visible". """ return (l for l in self.layers if l.visible) @property def visible_tile_layers(self) -> Iterable[TiledTileLayer]: """Return iterator of layer indexes that are set "visible". Returns: Iterable[TiledTileLayer]: A list of layer indexes. """ return ( i for (i, l) in enumerate(self.layers) if l.visible and isinstance(l, TiledTileLayer) ) @property def visible_object_groups(self) -> Iterable[TiledObjectGroup]: """Return iterator of object group indexes that are set "visible". Returns: Iterable[TiledObjectGroup]: A list of object group indexes that are set to "visible". """ return ( i for (i, l) in enumerate(self.layers) if l.visible and isinstance(l, TiledObjectGroup) )
[docs] def register_gid( self, tiled_gid: int, flags: Optional[TileFlags] = None, ) -> int: """Used to manage the mapping of GIDs between .tmx and pytmx. Args: tiled_gid (int): GID that is found in TMX data. flags (???): TileFlags. Returns: int: New or existing GID for pytmx use. """ if flags is None: flags = TileFlags(0, 0, 0) if tiled_gid: try: return self.imagemap[(tiled_gid, flags)][0] except KeyError: gid = self.maxgid self.maxgid += 1 self.imagemap[(tiled_gid, flags)] = (gid, flags) self.gidmap[tiled_gid].append((gid, flags)) self.tiledgidmap[gid] = tiled_gid return gid else: return 0
[docs] def register_gid_check_flags( self, tiled_gid: int, ) -> int: """Used to manage the mapping of GIDs between .tmx and pytmx. Checks the GID for rotation/flip flags Args: tiled_gid (int): GID that is found in TMX data. Returns: int: New or existing GID for pytmx use. """ # NOTE: the register* methods are getting really spaghetti-like if tiled_gid == 0: return 0 elif tiled_gid < GID_TRANS_ROT: return self.register_gid(tiled_gid) else: return self.register_gid(*decode_gid(tiled_gid))
[docs] def map_gid(self, tiled_gid: int) -> Optional[List[int]]: """Used to lookup a GID read from a TMX file's data. Args: tiled_gid (int): GID. that is found in the .tmx file data. Returns: Optional[List[int]]: ??? """ try: return self.gidmap[int(tiled_gid)] except KeyError: return None except TypeError: msg = "GIDs must be an integer" logger.debug(msg) raise TypeError(msg)
[docs] def map_gid2(self, tiled_gid: int) -> List[Tuple[int, Optional[int]]]: """WIP. need to refactor the gid code""" tiled_gid = int(tiled_gid) # gidmap is a default dict, so cannot trust to raise KeyError if tiled_gid in self.gidmap: return self.gidmap[tiled_gid] else: gid = self.register_gid(tiled_gid) return [(gid, None)]
[docs]class TiledTileset(TiledElement): """Represents a Tiled Tileset External tilesets are supported. GID/ID's from Tiled are not guaranteed to be the same after loaded. """ def __init__(self, parent, node) -> None: """Represents a Tiled Tileset Args: parent (???): ???. node (ElementTree.Element): ???. """ TiledElement.__init__(self) self.parent = parent self.offset = (0, 0) # defaults from the specification self.firstgid = 0 self.source = None = None self.tilewidth = 0 self.tileheight = 0 self.spacing = 0 self.margin = 0 self.tilecount = 0 self.columns = 0 # image properties self.trans = None self.width = 0 self.height = 0 self.parse_xml(node)
[docs] def parse_xml(self, node: ElementTree.Element) -> "TiledTileset": """Parse a Tileset from ElementTree xml element. A bit of mangling is done here so that tilesets that have external TSX files appear the same as those that don't. Args: node (ElementTree.Element): Node to parse. Returns: TiledTileset: """ # if true, then node references an external tileset source = node.get("source", None) if source: if source[-4:].lower() == ".tsx": # external tilesets don't save this, store it for later self.firstgid = int(node.get("firstgid")) # we need to mangle the path - tiled stores relative paths dirname = os.path.dirname(self.parent.filename) path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(dirname, source)) if not os.path.exists(path): # raise OSError(errno.ENOENT, os.strerror(errno.ENOENT), path) raise Exception( "Cannot find tileset file {0} from {1}, should be at {2}".format( source, self.parent.filename, path ) ) try: node = ElementTree.parse(path).getroot() except IOError as io: msg = "Error loading external tileset: {0}" logger.error(msg.format(path)) raise Exception(msg.format(path)) from io else: msg = "Found external tileset, but cannot handle type: {0}" logger.error(msg.format(self.source)) raise Exception(msg.format(self.source)) self._set_properties(node) # since tile objects [probably] don't have a lot of metadata, # we store it separately in the parent (a TiledMap instance) register_gid = self.parent.register_gid for child in node.iter("tile"): tiled_gid = int(child.get("id")) p = {k: types[k](v) for k, v in child.items()} p.update(parse_properties(child)) # images are listed as relative to the .tsx file, not the .tmx file: if source and "path" in p: p["path"] = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(source), p["path"]) # handle tiles that have their own image image = child.find("image") if image is None: p["width"] = self.tilewidth p["height"] = self.tileheight else: tile_source = image.get("source") # images are listed as relative to the .tsx file, not the .tmx file: if source and tile_source: tile_source = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(source), tile_source) p["source"] = tile_source p["trans"] = image.get("trans", None) p["width"] = image.get("width", None) p["height"] = image.get("height", None) # handle tiles with animations anim = child.find("animation") frames = list() p["frames"] = frames if anim is not None: for frame in anim.findall("frame"): duration = int(frame.get("duration")) gid = register_gid(int(frame.get("tileid")) + self.firstgid) frames.append(AnimationFrame(gid, duration)) for objgrp_node in child.findall("objectgroup"): objectgroup = TiledObjectGroup(self.parent, objgrp_node, None) p["colliders"] = objectgroup for gid, flags in self.parent.map_gid2(tiled_gid + self.firstgid): self.parent.set_tile_properties(gid, p) # handle the optional 'tileoffset' node self.offset = node.find("tileoffset") if self.offset is None: self.offset = (0, 0) else: self.offset = (self.offset.get("x", 0), self.offset.get("y", 0)) image_node = node.find("image") if image_node is not None: self.source = image_node.get("source") # When loading from tsx, tileset image path is relative to the tsx file, not the tmx: if source: self.source = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(source), self.source) self.trans = image_node.get("trans", None) self.width = int(image_node.get("width")) self.height = int(image_node.get("height")) return self
class TiledGroupLayer(TiledElement): def __init__(self, parent, node: ElementTree.Element) -> None: """ Args: parent (???): ???. node (ElementTree.Element): ???. """ TiledElement.__init__(self) self.parent = parent = None self.visible = 1 self.parse_xml(node) def parse_xml(self, node) -> "TiledGroupLayer": """ Parse a TiledGroup layer from ElementTree xml node. Args: node (ElementTree.Element): Node to parse. Returns: TiledGroupLayer: The parsed TiledGroup layer. """ self._set_properties(node) = node.get("name", None) return self
[docs]class TiledTileLayer(TiledElement): """Represents a TileLayer. To just get the tile images, use TiledTileLayer.tiles(). """ def __init__(self, parent, node) -> None: TiledElement.__init__(self) self.parent = parent = list() # defaults from the specification = None self.width = 0 self.height = 0 self.opacity = 1.0 self.visible = True self.offsetx = 0 self.offsety = 0 self.parse_xml(node) def __iter__(self): return self.iter_data()
[docs] def iter_data(self) -> Iterable[Tuple[int, int, int]]: """Yields X, Y, GID tuples for each tile in the layer. Returns: Iterable[Tuple[int, int, int]]: Iterator of X, Y, GID tuples for each tile in the layer. """ for y, row in enumerate( for x, gid in enumerate(row): yield x, y, gid
[docs] def tiles(self): """Yields X, Y, Image tuples for each tile in the layer. Yields: ???: Iterator of X, Y, Image tuples for each tile in the layer """ images = self.parent.images for x, y, gid in [i for i in self.iter_data() if i[2]]: yield x, y, images[gid]
def _set_properties(self, node) -> None: TiledElement._set_properties(self, node) # TODO: make class/layer-specific type casting # layer height and width must be int, but TiledElement.set_properties() # make a float by default, so recast as int here self.height = int(self.height) self.width = int(self.width)
[docs] def parse_xml(self, node: ElementTree.Element) -> "TiledTileLayer": """Parse a Tile Layer from ElementTree xml node. Args: node (ElementTree.Element): Node to parse. Returns: TiledTileLayer: The parsed tile layer. """ self._set_properties(node) data_node = node.find("data") chunk_nodes = data_node.findall("chunk") if chunk_nodes: msg = "TMX map size: infinite is not supported." logger.error(msg) raise Exception child = data_node.find("tile") if child is not None: raise ValueError( "XML tile elements are no longer supported. Must use base64 or csv map formats." ) temp = [ self.parent.register_gid_check_flags(gid) for gid in unpack_gids( text=data_node.text.strip(), encoding=data_node.get("encoding", None), compression=data_node.get("compression", None), ) ] = reshape_data(temp, self.width) return self
[docs]class TiledObjectGroup(TiledElement, list): """Represents a Tiled ObjectGroup Supports any operation of a normal list. """ def __init__(self, parent, node, customs) -> None: TiledElement.__init__(self) self.parent = parent # defaults from the specification = None self.color = None self.opacity = 1 self.visible = 1 self.offsetx = 0 self.offsety = 0 self.custom_types = customs self.draworder = "index" self.parse_xml(node)
[docs] def parse_xml(self, node: ElementTree.Element) -> "TiledObjectGroup": """Parse an Object Group from ElementTree xml node Args: node (ElementTree.Element): Node to parse. """ self._set_properties(node, self.custom_types) self.extend( TiledObject(self.parent, child, self.custom_types) for child in node.findall("object") ) return self
[docs]class TiledObject(TiledElement): """Represents any Tiled Object. Supported types: Box, Ellipse, Tile Object, Polyline, Polygon. """ def __init__(self, parent, node, custom_types) -> None: TiledElement.__init__(self) self.parent = parent # defaults from the specification = 0 = None self.type = None self.x = 0 self.y = 0 self.width = 0 self.height = 0 self.rotation = 0 self.gid = 0 self.visible = 1 self.closed = True self.template = None self.custom_types = custom_types self.parse_xml(node) @property def image(self): """Image for the object, if assigned. Returns: ???: The image object type will depend on the loader (ie. pygame.Surface). """ if self.gid: return self.parent.images[self.gid] return None
[docs] def parse_xml(self, node: ElementTree.Element) -> "TiledObject": """Parse an Object from ElementTree xml node. Args: node (ElementTree.Element): The node to be parsed. Returns: TiledObject: The parsed xml node. """ def read_points(text): """ Parse a text string of float tuples and return [(x,...),...] """ return tuple(tuple(map(float, i.split(","))) for i in text.split()) self._set_properties(node, self.custom_types) # correctly handle "tile objects" (object with gid set) if self.gid: self.gid = self.parent.register_gid_check_flags(self.gid) points = None polygon = node.find("polygon") if polygon is not None: points = read_points(polygon.get("points")) self.closed = True polyline = node.find("polyline") if polyline is not None: points = read_points(polyline.get("points")) self.closed = False if points: x1 = x2 = y1 = y2 = 0 for x, y in points: if x < x1: x1 = x if x > x2: x2 = x if y < y1: y1 = y if y > y2: y2 = y self.width = abs(x1) + abs(x2) self.height = abs(y1) + abs(y2) self.points = tuple([Point(i[0] + self.x, i[1] + self.y) for i in points]) return self
[docs] def apply_transformations(self) -> List[Point]: """Return all points for object, taking in account rotation.""" if hasattr(self, "points"): return rotate(self.points, self, self.rotation) else: return rotate(self.as_points, self, self.rotation)
@property def as_points( self, ) -> List[Point]: return [ Point(*i) for i in [ (self.x, self.y), (self.x, self.y + self.height), (self.x + self.width, self.y + self.height), (self.x + self.width, self.y), ] ]
[docs]class TiledImageLayer(TiledElement): """Represents Tiled Image Layer. The image associated with this layer will be loaded and assigned a GID. """ def __init__(self, parent, node: ElementTree.Element) -> None: TiledElement.__init__(self) self.parent = parent self.source = None self.trans = None self.gid = 0 # defaults from the specification = None self.opacity = 1 self.visible = 1 self.parse_xml(node) @property def image(self): """Image for the object, if assigned. Returns: ???: the image object type will depend on the loader (ie. pygame.Surface). """ if self.gid: return self.parent.images[self.gid] return None
[docs] def parse_xml(self, node: ElementTree.Element): """Parse an Image Layer from ElementTree xml node.""" self._set_properties(node) = node.get("name", None) self.opacity = node.get("opacity", self.opacity) self.visible = node.get("visible", self.visible) image_node = node.find("image") self.source = image_node.get("source", None) self.trans = image_node.get("trans", None) return self
class TiledProperty(TiledElement): """Represents Tiled Property.""" def __init__(self, parent, node: ElementTree.Element) -> None: TiledElement.__init__(self) # defaults from the specification = None self.type = None self.value = None self.parse_xml(node) def parse_xml(self, node: ElementTree.Element) -> None: pass